March 8th, 2022
 RAW – March 7th 2022
RAW – March 7th 2022

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The match starts with Morgan and Carmella. Liv backs Carmella into the corner and hits her with double knees, then tags Ripley. Rhea clobbers Carmella with repeated knees, then Vega tags in. Ripley lifts Vega up for a stalling suplex and Carmella runs in but Ripley boots her while holding Vega. Zelina knocks Ripley out of the ring with a DDT, then Carmella kicks her against the steel steps.

Vega is holding Ripley down with a submission. Carmella is tagged in followed a boot to the face from Vega. Carmella smushes Ripley’s face into the mat, then hits her with an Edgecutor. Carmella wastes time talking trash and Ripley hits her with a unique up-kick. Morgan and Vega get the tags and Liv hits an enziguiri, dropkick to the back, and a springboard dropkick for a near-fall.

Morgan slides under a clothesline and rolls Vega up for a near-fall. Zelina leaps to her corner to make a tag but Carmella isn’t there, she’s over talking with her boyfriend, Corey Graves. The distraught Zelina Vega gets caught with a slam but Liv, then Ripley tags in and hits the Riptide for the win while Carmella is still chatting with Graves.


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February 1st, 2022
 RAW – January 31st 2022
RAW – January 31st 2022

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The bell rings, Nikki runs, and Ripley knocks her flying backwards. Rhea laughs at her, then Nikki shoots for a takedown but Ripley scoops her up and throws her away. Nikki dropkicks the knee and looks for a crossbody but Ripley catches her and turns it into a stalling vertical suplex. Nikki rolls from the ring and goads Ripley to go after her, then catches her inside the ring apron and batters her with forearms and kicks.

We return to find Nikki fighting up from a sleeper. She knocks Rhea into the buckles and poses with a smile on her face. Ripley dodges her, captures her arm and lands a few short-arm clotheslines and a headbutt. Rhea connects with a dropkick, then a northern lights suplex for a near-fall. Ripley puts Nikki on the top rope but A.S.H kicks her back, then hits a tornado DDT for a near-fall. Nikki wants a swinging neckbreaker but Ripley counters and lands a nice Riptide for the win.


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January 27th, 2022
 RAW – January 24th 2022
RAW – January 24th 2022

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Rhea Ripley cut a promo earlier today in which she said she has a score to settle with Nikki A.S.H but right now she’s focused on the Royal Rumble. She will do anything it takes to win it. Dana Brooke then cuts a similar promo. Liv Morgan is next and she says everyone saw her nearly become Champion, but at Royal Rumble there will be no nearly.

Tamina starts with Brooke and drops her with a clothesline. Tamina lands some ground-and-pound, then goes to a submission. Brooke fights up and makes it to her corner. Ripley tags in and dropkicks Tamina, then knocks Carmella and Nikki off the apron. Ripley hits Tamina with some short-arm clotheslines, then a ripcord headbutt.

Rhea hits a dropkick, then a kick to the gut and a fisherman suplex for a near-fall. Carmella runs in and kicks RIpley, then Morgan dropkicks her, Nikki runs in and hits her, Dana knocks her from the ring, and Tamina drops Brooke. Carmella then tags in and looks to jump on a downed Ripley but Rhea grabs her with the Prism Trap and Carmella quickly taps out.


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January 11th, 2022
 RAW – January 10th 2022
RAW – January 10th 2022

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Super Brutality make their entrance to send us to break.

Super Brutality are interviewed in the ring.

They have an announcement, and Nikki ASH says that’s a challenge to Carmella and Zelina Vega for a rematch. Ripley gets in her ear and says that’s not what they talked about, and Nikki cuts her off and says everything’s fine, but Rhea says she doesn’t want to talk about this out here.

ASH says she wants to talk right now, and claims that once they get the tag titles back everything will be okay. Ripley fends off attempts to claim that she thinks she’s better than Nikki, but Nikki’s not having it and claims that she was the one doing Rhea a favor by sticking together.

Ripley says she never said she was better in the ring and ASH says she was talking about herself. Rhea gets hot and offers a hand to shake, saying it’s goodbye for now. Nikki says fine, she doesn’t want to be her teammate anymore, but she can’t shake her hand until Ripley looks her in the eye and tells her she still believes in her.

Rhea says she’s always believed in her and always will, and with her or against her, she’ll never stop believing in her and really hopes that they can be friends. Nikki asks if she means it and Ripley hugs her close. ASH poses on the ropes, Rhea offers a fist bump after and Nikki attacks her and beats her down!

She leaves the ring and says superheroes don’t need any friends while she stands tall on the ramp.

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October 5th, 2021
 RAW – October 4th 2021
RAW – October 4th 2021

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We kick things off with Natalya and Nikki. Natalya whips her to the corner but Nikki leaps over her and hits a dropkick to the knee. Natalya gets the better of Nikki and tags Tamina, who throws her across the ring by the hair. Tamina beats Nikki down and tags Natalya but Ripley gets the tag and throws hands with Nattie. Rhea hits some short-arm clotheslines and a headbutt.

Natalya his an atomic drop using the ropes but Ripley fires back with a back drop. Tamina tags herself in but Rhea kicks her off the ropes. With both hrrls on the floor, Nikki dives off the top rope with a splash to both. Ripley goes outside and celebrates with Nikki, all fired-up. Ripley drags Tamina into the ring and hits the Riptide, then tags Nikki for a splash and the win!


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September 21st, 2021
 RAW – September 20th 2021
RAW – September 20th 2021

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Nikki A.S.H and Rhea Ripley make their entrance. They talk about Connor’s Cure and the V Foundation. Ripley can barely speak for tearing-up. She dedicates their match tonight to children, pediatric cancer patients, and everyone who’s supported the cause.

Tamina grabs Nikki right away and tosses her across the ring. Tamina knocks Rhea off the apron, then tags Natalya so they can hit a Hart Attack for a near-fall. Ripley comes back but Tamina throws her over the top rope. Tamina and Natalya isolate Nikki and make quick tags to stomp Nikki down in the corner. Tamina hits a Samoan drop and goes to the top rope for a splash but Nikki gets her knees up.

Nikki crawls to her corner but Ripley is dead. Natalya tags in and hits Nikki with a rope-assisted atomic drop, then runs over her back and dropkicks her. Tamina tries to attack Ripley again but this time Rhea hits her with a senton off the apron. Ripley hits Tamina with a Riptide onto the apron. Nikki snatches a distracted Natalya with a small package and they win!


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September 7th, 2021
 RAW – September 6th 2021
RAW – September 6th 2021

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Rhea Ripley and Nikki A.S.H are backsatge and asked about their lack of things in common. Rhea says she believes they have the will to be Champions in common. Nikki says they’re getting closer and Rhea says they might have some gold in common really soon. Nikki shouts that it’s time to unleash “super brutality”.

Nikki starts against Tamina, who isn’t taking her seriously. Tamina toys with Nikki and overpowers her handily. Nikki forearms Tamina but eats a headbutt. Tamina attempts to sit on Nikki but nobody’s home. Nikki hits a seated senton to Tamina and tags Rhea. Ripley throws Nikki at Tamina, who caches her, then the two big women trade blows.

Natalya tags in and again Ripley lifts Nikki up and tries to use her as a weapon. Nikki gets the tag and kicks Natalya back but gets distracted by Tamina. Natalya htis a snapmare and a dropkick to the back. Tamina pulls Ripley off the apron and connects with a big superkick and Rhea crashes into the steel steps. The Champion’s are in charge as we head to the break.

Back live and Tamina misses a tackle in the corner. Natalya tags in and so does Ripley, who hits short-arm clotheslines. Rhea with a snapmare and a hanging dropkick to Natalya after knocking Tamina off the apron. Rhea hits a gut kick, then a northern lights suplex for a near-fall. Nikki tags in and hits a crossbody but Tamina breaks the pin, then Rhea dorpkicks her out of the ring. Natalya hits Ripley with a German suplex. Natalya grabs Nikki and wants the Sharpshooter but Ripley returns for the Riptide and the win!



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August 31st, 2021
 RAW – August 30th 2021
RAW – August 30th 2021

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Rhea Ripley and she makes her way to the ring for a match after the break.

Before the match starts Nia gets on the apron and says she will splatter both Ripley and Nikki before the night is over, and then she’ll do it to Charlotte Flair. The referee rings the bell and Rhea attacks a distracted Shayna but gets taken down herself. Baszler goes to work on Nia’s wrist and tries to stomp it but Ripley grabs it, only for Shayna to dropkick her.

Ripley looks for a roll-up but Baszler goes back to work on the arm. Baszler knees Ripley in the face for a one-count. Shayna jumps on Rhea’s back and pummels her with rights and lefts. Ripley rolls Baszler up for two but the Queen of Spades fires back with a clothesline. Baszler drags Rhea under the bottom rope, traps her arm in the apron, and stomps on it!

We return to find Baszler wrenching the arm of Ripley. Shayna kicks the shoulder a few times and mocks Nikki. Baszler kicks her more and Rhea starts asking for more, then catches the kick. Ripley lands some short-arm clotheslines followed by a headbutt, snapmare and a dropkick. Rhea hits a northern lights suplex for a two-count.

Ripley tries to shake the feeling into her arm but Baszler snatches her in an armbar. Rhea reaches the ropes but Shayna doesn’t let go and punches her a few times and let’s go at the last second. Nikki tries to encourage Ripley, who grabs Shayna for a Riptide but gets distracted when Nia attacks Nikki at ringside. Baszler rolls-up Rhea for a two and Ripley reverses the pin and wins!

As soon as the match ends, Nia rushes in and clotheslines Rhea hard from behind. Nia lifts Ripley and lands a Samoan drop and poses, while Baszler leaves the ring looking annoyed.


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August 17th, 2021
 RAW – August 16th 2021
RAW – August 16th 2021

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Just as the bell rings, Charlotte Flair comes out to watch the match on commentary. They lock-up and Ripley slams Nikki down. Rhea continues to use her strength and throw Nikki around but A.S.H hits a sliced bread bulldog and Ripley rolls out. Nikki goes to the apron and kicks Rhea back, then dives on her with a crossbody before staring at Flair.

Ripley drops Nikki with a clothesline. Rhea hits a stalling vertical suplex for a two-count. Ripley lifts Nikki into a bear hug. Nikki fights free and hits a wheelbarrow roll-up for two. Nikki goes to the middle rope and lands a tornado DDT for a two-count. Ripley hits a northern lights suplex for a two-count, then hits the Riptide out of nowhere for the win.

After the match Charlotte starts mocking Nikki, but A.S.H dives onto her from ringside and tosses her into the ring. Nikki and Ripley beat on Charlotte and dump her out of the ring.


Ripley and Nikki A.S.H are back in the ring, along with Charltote Flair, whose mystery partner is Nia Jax.

We start with Nia and Nikki and Jax makes fun of the Champion before shoving her face. Nikki forearms Jax a few times but gets shoved onto her back. Nikki get dropped in the corner and eats some stink face. Jax throws Nikki out of the ring and Charlotte drops her with a big boot.

*Commercial Break*

Ripley tags in against Charlotte and hits some short-arm lariats. Ripley lands a headbutt, snapmare, knocks Jax off the apron, and dropkicks Flair. Ripley hits a spin kick to the face, then a northern lights suplex for a two-count. Flair elbows Rhea and the Nightmare goes up top for a missiledropkick but nobody’s home.

We see Shayna Baszler watching on a monitor backstage and Nia tags back in. Jax slams Ripley, then goes to the middle rope for a Vader Bomb but Charlotte tags herslef in. Flair knocks Nikki off the apron and hits Ripley with Natural Selection for the win.


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August 15th, 2021
 RAW – August 9th 2021
RAW – August 9th 2021

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Rhea Ripley is backstage and stopped for an interview. She’s asked about facing Nikki and she says she has to give it to her, she handled herself well against Charlotte. Being almost a superhero is great but it’s not enough to beat her.

They lock-up and Ripley uses her strength to take control. Rhea shoulders Nikki in the corner and holds her there. Nikki shoves Ripley but eats a knee for her trouble. Rhea whips her hard into the buckles and Nikki’s ribs are still hurting from last week. Ripley throws her from the ring and goes out to slam her into the apron.

Ripley slams Nikki down and beats her injured ribs with knees and forearms. Nikki comes back with a snap DDT and both women are down. Nikki punches Ripley a few times and hits a tilt-a-whirl. Rhea gets rolled-up for a two-count, then she kicks Nikki in the ribs. Rhea wants the Riptide but Nikki counters with a crossbody for a near-fall. Ripley takes Nikki to the top rope but gets knocked off. Suddenly Charlotte appears and shoves Nikki off the ropes.

Charlotte comes into the ring and boots Ripley, then Nikki. Charlotte hits Ripley with Natural Selection, then lifts the title and holds it up.


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