June 6th, 2022
 WWE Hell In A Cell – June 5th 2022
WWE Hell In A Cell – June 5th 2022

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A brawl broke out between all six competitors that led to the good guys sending Edge and Priest out of the ring. Balor and Styles launched Morgan at Ripley to hit a hurricanrana before The Eradicator took her former tag team partner down with a stiff headbutt.

Ripley proceeded to dismantle Morgan for a while, but she couldn’t keep her down for the pin. The Judgment Day cemented their grip on the match as different members tagged in from both teams.

The crowd popped when Styles got the hot tag and started taking Edge and Priest down with his wide array of signature moves. Once Priest and Ripley helped him regain the upper hand, Edge drilled Balor with a Spear to get the win.

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May 10th, 2022
 RAW – May 9th 2022
RAW – May 9th 2022

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We see a replay of Edge Vs. AJ Styles from last night’s WrestleMania Backlash. Edge got the win thanks to Rhea Ripley, the newest member of The Judgement Day. Edge, Ripley and Damian Priest make their way to the ring and Edge is sporting a new haircut that looks very similar to Ripley’s swept-back fade.

The Judgement Day are in the ring and Edge says they formed because they were tired being sheep. What did being a sheep get him? A spot in the Hall of Fame? He’s bigger than the Hall of Fame. There isn’t a part of him that hasn’t had a surgery and it left him on the sideline for nine years. He came back, played the role again, and what happened? The ugly fans got on their cheap phones and Tweeted crap about him.

Priest says nothing or no-one can touch The Judgement Day. Individually, they’re better than all of the rest but together they’re something else. They were incredible when it was just him and Edge, but imagine how much better they’re going to be now that they’ve added an instrument of brutality. Ripley says joining The Judgement Day was the easiest decision of her life.

Rhea saw Edge and Priest change for the better and she wanted that for herself. She’s done singing autographs at the airport for kids that say they want to be like her when they grow up. The same kids sell her autographs on eBay. She’s done being used, but she has some unfinished business. Liv Morgan will no longer ride her coattails.

Edge says this group is all about unrealised potential. Ripley and Priest are his saints of faith, two souls that needed a rudder and he is that rudder. Edge says he approached Ripley a few weeks ago and told her that Morgan was holding her back. He looked at Ripley and he saw a juggernaut that could run over anyone but was content in the slow lane. now she has been unleashed. But his movement is not done, they aren’t finished and they want more souls. Liv Morgan interrupts.

The match starts and they hockey fight. Ripley shoves Liv back and headbutts her. Ripley lifts and throws Morgan across the ring, then delivers a shoulder tackle in the corner. Rhea with another biel, then another shoulder tackle in the corner. Ripley lifts Morgan onto the top rope and punches her but Morgan hits her with a hurricanrana.

Morgan lands a few strikes but Ripley catches her with a big boot and scores a near-fall. Ripley mounts Morgan and delivers some big right hands. Edge is loving this. Liv slaps her, so Ripley slaps her right back. Ripley slams Liv into the mat a few times, then applies a bodyscissors. Liv tries to fight up but gets knocked down with a clothesline.

Ripley pins with one foot but Morgan kicks out. Ripley puts a boot on Liv’s back and stands on her. Ripley lifts her up and wants the Riptide but Morgan slides down the back and lands a flurry of punches and kicks. Liv with a bulldog and a springboard recoil for a near-fall. Ripley fights back and hits a kick to the face, then applies the Prism Trap and Liv taps.

After the match Edge and Priest get in the ring and pose with Ripley. Edge gives Ripley a nod, so Rhea grabs Liv and applise the Prism Trap again. Liv screams and taps out but Edge gets down and mocks her tapping out. Ripley eventually throws her aside but then out comes Finn Balor with AJ Styles at his side. Balor will be facing Priest after the break.

Balor wants a dive to the outside but Ripley pulls Priest out of the way and Balor stops. Edge then Spears Finn.

As soon as the match ends, Styles attacks Edge and they brawl. Styles gets the better and then throws hands with Priest until Ripley stands between them, allowing Edge to jump AJ from behind. Edge hits a Spear at the same time that Priest hits a sweep. The Judement Day pose together.


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March 8th, 2022
 RAW – March 7th 2022
RAW – March 7th 2022

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The match starts with Morgan and Carmella. Liv backs Carmella into the corner and hits her with double knees, then tags Ripley. Rhea clobbers Carmella with repeated knees, then Vega tags in. Ripley lifts Vega up for a stalling suplex and Carmella runs in but Ripley boots her while holding Vega. Zelina knocks Ripley out of the ring with a DDT, then Carmella kicks her against the steel steps.

Vega is holding Ripley down with a submission. Carmella is tagged in followed a boot to the face from Vega. Carmella smushes Ripley’s face into the mat, then hits her with an Edgecutor. Carmella wastes time talking trash and Ripley hits her with a unique up-kick. Morgan and Vega get the tags and Liv hits an enziguiri, dropkick to the back, and a springboard dropkick for a near-fall.

Morgan slides under a clothesline and rolls Vega up for a near-fall. Zelina leaps to her corner to make a tag but Carmella isn’t there, she’s over talking with her boyfriend, Corey Graves. The distraught Zelina Vega gets caught with a slam but Liv, then Ripley tags in and hits the Riptide for the win while Carmella is still chatting with Graves.


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February 1st, 2022
 RAW – January 31st 2022
RAW – January 31st 2022

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The bell rings, Nikki runs, and Ripley knocks her flying backwards. Rhea laughs at her, then Nikki shoots for a takedown but Ripley scoops her up and throws her away. Nikki dropkicks the knee and looks for a crossbody but Ripley catches her and turns it into a stalling vertical suplex. Nikki rolls from the ring and goads Ripley to go after her, then catches her inside the ring apron and batters her with forearms and kicks.

We return to find Nikki fighting up from a sleeper. She knocks Rhea into the buckles and poses with a smile on her face. Ripley dodges her, captures her arm and lands a few short-arm clotheslines and a headbutt. Rhea connects with a dropkick, then a northern lights suplex for a near-fall. Ripley puts Nikki on the top rope but A.S.H kicks her back, then hits a tornado DDT for a near-fall. Nikki wants a swinging neckbreaker but Ripley counters and lands a nice Riptide for the win.


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January 27th, 2022
 RAW – January 24th 2022
RAW – January 24th 2022

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Rhea Ripley cut a promo earlier today in which she said she has a score to settle with Nikki A.S.H but right now she’s focused on the Royal Rumble. She will do anything it takes to win it. Dana Brooke then cuts a similar promo. Liv Morgan is next and she says everyone saw her nearly become Champion, but at Royal Rumble there will be no nearly.

Tamina starts with Brooke and drops her with a clothesline. Tamina lands some ground-and-pound, then goes to a submission. Brooke fights up and makes it to her corner. Ripley tags in and dropkicks Tamina, then knocks Carmella and Nikki off the apron. Ripley hits Tamina with some short-arm clotheslines, then a ripcord headbutt.

Rhea hits a dropkick, then a kick to the gut and a fisherman suplex for a near-fall. Carmella runs in and kicks RIpley, then Morgan dropkicks her, Nikki runs in and hits her, Dana knocks her from the ring, and Tamina drops Brooke. Carmella then tags in and looks to jump on a downed Ripley but Rhea grabs her with the Prism Trap and Carmella quickly taps out.


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January 11th, 2022
 RAW – January 10th 2022
RAW – January 10th 2022

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Super Brutality make their entrance to send us to break.

Super Brutality are interviewed in the ring.

They have an announcement, and Nikki ASH says that’s a challenge to Carmella and Zelina Vega for a rematch. Ripley gets in her ear and says that’s not what they talked about, and Nikki cuts her off and says everything’s fine, but Rhea says she doesn’t want to talk about this out here.

ASH says she wants to talk right now, and claims that once they get the tag titles back everything will be okay. Ripley fends off attempts to claim that she thinks she’s better than Nikki, but Nikki’s not having it and claims that she was the one doing Rhea a favor by sticking together.

Ripley says she never said she was better in the ring and ASH says she was talking about herself. Rhea gets hot and offers a hand to shake, saying it’s goodbye for now. Nikki says fine, she doesn’t want to be her teammate anymore, but she can’t shake her hand until Ripley looks her in the eye and tells her she still believes in her.

Rhea says she’s always believed in her and always will, and with her or against her, she’ll never stop believing in her and really hopes that they can be friends. Nikki asks if she means it and Ripley hugs her close. ASH poses on the ropes, Rhea offers a fist bump after and Nikki attacks her and beats her down!

She leaves the ring and says superheroes don’t need any friends while she stands tall on the ramp.

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November 22nd, 2021
 Survivor Series – November 21st 2021
Survivor Series – November 21st 2021

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The traditional women’s Survivor Series elimination tag match pitting Team Raw (Rhea Ripley, Carmella, Queen Zelina, Liv Morgan and Bianca Belair) against Team SmackDown (Toni Storm, Shotzi, Shayna Baszler, Natalya and Sasha Banks) took to the squared circle next.

A distraction surrounding Carmella’s mask allowed Storm to roll up The Most Beautiful Woman in WWE and score the first elimination of the contest.

Dissension between Shotzi and Banks threatened the cohesion of Team SmackDown while Baszler battled Ripley back inside the squared circle. The action broke down, with the women each hitting signature offense before culminating in Banks and Belair pairing off.

The WrestleMania 37 opponents captivated the fans with an exchange that saw The EST of WWE trapped in the Bank Statement. Belair fought out and delivering a fallaway slam. The competitors picked up where they left off on wrestling’s grandest stage before The EST launched teammate Queen Zelina at Banks for a near-fall.

After Baszler and Shotzi refused to tag in, Storm tagged her partner and proceeded to do away with Zelina.

Morgan entered the ring for Raw and scored an impressive fall by pinning Storm following Oblivion.

Baszler applied the Kirifuda Clutch to down Morgan, Shotzi followed with a splash and Banks eliminated her following a headbutt.

The numbers disadvantage for Raw became even worse as Baszler dropped Ripley, leaving Belair on her own against four of the original five SmackDown competitors.

Winner: Team RAW

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October 5th, 2021
 RAW – October 4th 2021
RAW – October 4th 2021

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We kick things off with Natalya and Nikki. Natalya whips her to the corner but Nikki leaps over her and hits a dropkick to the knee. Natalya gets the better of Nikki and tags Tamina, who throws her across the ring by the hair. Tamina beats Nikki down and tags Natalya but Ripley gets the tag and throws hands with Nattie. Rhea hits some short-arm clotheslines and a headbutt.

Natalya his an atomic drop using the ropes but Ripley fires back with a back drop. Tamina tags herself in but Rhea kicks her off the ropes. With both hrrls on the floor, Nikki dives off the top rope with a splash to both. Ripley goes outside and celebrates with Nikki, all fired-up. Ripley drags Tamina into the ring and hits the Riptide, then tags Nikki for a splash and the win!


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September 25th, 2021
 Smackdown – September 24th 2021
Smackdown – September 24th 2021

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Newly crowned Women’s Tag Team Champions Nikki A.S.H. and Rhea Ripley make their way out for a Nikki singles match.

The match begins with a lock up. Nikki hits a drop kick to the knees and covers for two. Natalya slams Nikki to the corner and gets hit with an elbow from Nikki. Tamina causes a distraction but Ripley pulls Tamina away. Nikki gets a roll up in the ring for the three count.

After the match the team of Shotzi & Nox come out to confront the tag champions.

Winner: Nikki A.S.H.

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