August 17th, 2021
 RAW – August 16th 2021

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Just as the bell rings, Charlotte Flair comes out to watch the match on commentary. They lock-up and Ripley slams Nikki down. Rhea continues to use her strength and throw Nikki around but A.S.H hits a sliced bread bulldog and Ripley rolls out. Nikki goes to the apron and kicks Rhea back, then dives on her with a crossbody before staring at Flair.

Ripley drops Nikki with a clothesline. Rhea hits a stalling vertical suplex for a two-count. Ripley lifts Nikki into a bear hug. Nikki fights free and hits a wheelbarrow roll-up for two. Nikki goes to the middle rope and lands a tornado DDT for a two-count. Ripley hits a northern lights suplex for a two-count, then hits the Riptide out of nowhere for the win.

After the match Charlotte starts mocking Nikki, but A.S.H dives onto her from ringside and tosses her into the ring. Nikki and Ripley beat on Charlotte and dump her out of the ring.


Ripley and Nikki A.S.H are back in the ring, along with Charltote Flair, whose mystery partner is Nia Jax.

We start with Nia and Nikki and Jax makes fun of the Champion before shoving her face. Nikki forearms Jax a few times but gets shoved onto her back. Nikki get dropped in the corner and eats some stink face. Jax throws Nikki out of the ring and Charlotte drops her with a big boot.

*Commercial Break*

Ripley tags in against Charlotte and hits some short-arm lariats. Ripley lands a headbutt, snapmare, knocks Jax off the apron, and dropkicks Flair. Ripley hits a spin kick to the face, then a northern lights suplex for a two-count. Flair elbows Rhea and the Nightmare goes up top for a missiledropkick but nobody’s home.

We see Shayna Baszler watching on a monitor backstage and Nia tags back in. Jax slams Ripley, then goes to the middle rope for a Vader Bomb but Charlotte tags herslef in. Flair knocks Nikki off the apron and hits Ripley with Natural Selection for the win.


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