April 12th, 2021
 Wrestlemania 37 Night Two – April 11th 2021

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We go back to the stage and Ash Costello is introduced with a band. She performs “Brutality” as Rhea Ripley makes her entrance to a pop and some pyro. Out next comes RAW Women’s Champion Asuka to a pop. She hits the ring and poses in the corner as more pyro goes off around the stadium. We get formal ring introductions from Rome now. Joe, Saxton and Cole are back for this one.

The bell rings and they have words as they size each other up. Ripley charges but misses and Asuka dropkicks her but Ripley is still standing. They trade strikes and Asuka kicks her. Asuka rolls Ripley for a 2 count. Asuka with a backslide and a dropkick to send Ripley into the corner. Asuka misses a Hip Attack in the corner. Ripley runs into boots in the corner.

Ripley chops Asuka down in the corner and charges but Asuka sends her face-first into the turnbuckles, then kicks her. Ripley goes to the floor for a breather as the referee counts. They both are on the floor now. Asuka with a big knee to the face. Asuka brings it back in and stalks Ripley. Asuka with kicks to the back now. Ripley dodges another Hip Attack and levels Asuka with a kick. Ripley slams Asuka face-first for a 2 count in the middle of the ring.

Ripley mounts Asuka with strikes on the mat now. Ripley with a body scissors to keep control. Fans do dueling chants. Ripley smacks Asuka around now, disrespecting her for louder boos. Asuka tries to fight out of another body scissors but Ripley keeps it locked. They get up and Ripley kicks Asuka around some more while taunting her. Ripley with another slap and a clothesline, and another clothesline to put Asuka right back down. Asuka catches a kick and takes Ripley down into an ankle lock.

Ripley screams out as Asuka tightens the hold. Ripley powers up and turns the hold into a big German suplex, dumping Asuka on her head. Asuka kicks out right before the 3 count. Ripley takes it to the corner and slams Asuka face-first into the turnbuckle a few times. Asuka goes down with another turnbuckle shot. Ripley continues to take her time in punishing the champ. Ripley with shoulder thrusts to the lower back now as the referee warns her.

Ripley places Asuka on the top turnbuckle and clubs her in the back. Ripley climbs up for the super back suplex but Asuka resists, knocking Ripley back to the mat. Asuka turns around on the top and hits a missile dropkick for a pop. Ripley runs into a kick. Asuka with a big German suplex. Asuka with a Hip Attack in the corner. Ripley fights off a German attempt but Asuka keeps fighting. Asuka stuns Ripley to her knees with a big strike. Asuka with the Hip Attack to knock Ripley down from her knees for a close 2 count.

Asuka shows some frustration now before she goes to the top. Ripley runs and dropkicks Asuka, knocking her from the top turnbuckle to the floor, hitting the apron on the way down. The referee counts but Asuka returns to the apron. Ripley approaches but Asuka knocks her to the floor. Asuka goes for a kick from the apron but Ripley catches her on her shoulders, then slams her face-first into the edge of the apron. The referee counts but Ripley brings it back in. They trade shots on the apron now as the referee counts. Asuka with a huge DDT from the apron to the floor for a pop.

Asuka makes it back in 6 and Ripley is right after. Asuka nails a running knee for a 2 count. Asuka unloads with quick kicks to the head. Asuka with a sliding knee but Ripley catches it. Ripley stomps away after a takedown. Ripley with the inverted Cloverleaf submission. Asuka tries to break it but Ripley holds on. Asuka turns it into an armbar on the mat. Ripley fights and powers up, slinging Asuka into the bottom turnbuckle to break the hold. Ripley goes on and hits a big suplex from the apron into the ring for another close 2 count.

Asuka fights Ripley off from behind, then takes her down into an armbar. Ripley fights out into a 2 count. Asuka goes right into the Asuka Lock but it’s countered. Asuka with kicks while Ripley is on her knees now. Ripley tells her to bring it again, taunting her. Asuka kicks again and tries for the running boot. Ripley ducks it and nails Riptide in the middle of the ring for the pin to win the title.

Winner and New RAW Women’s Champion: Rhea Ripley

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